Through our virtual membership model, we’re proud to bring holistic wellness to the masses through a variety of educational workshops, ritual practices and DIY tutorials from industry experts across the globe. Our mission is to offer intimate and interactive holistic beauty experiences for individuals who want to achieve their desired transformation in their connection with themselves, others and their environment.
We offer an online membership community that gives members the opportunity to explore a variety of holistic beauty modalities and educational experiences at an accessible price point and in the convenience of their own homes.
Each month is centered around a specific theme, where members are guided through 4 modules; movement, breathwork, mindfulness and holistic modality workshop. Delivered to your inbox on the 1st of every month you are introduced to a new sequence of holistic rituals provided by our industry members who are passionate about providing deeper meaning and understanding of the modality -- beyond just going through the motions or superficial -- giving each practice the respect and teachings is deserves in a simple introductory session that you can easily incorporate into daily life.
Let's not just take a yoga class. Let's understand the practice.
Did you know that the physical movement of 'yoga' is only 1 out of 8 limbs which all come together to encompass the full spectrum of a yoga practice?
The movement aspect of yoga (what you do on the mat and what most people refer to as 'yoga' itself) is actually called asana, and there are many different poses, sequences and styles that are attached to a deeper history and understanding.
Our industry members will introduce you to a new style of movement every month - helping you understand and connect before guiding you through a beautiful practice for you to now experience with deeper meaning.
Learn. Understand. Practice
Let's not do mindfulness mindlessly.
Meditation is not the only form of mindfulness.
And there is not only one form of meditation.
There are many styles and many practices from several origins.
Each unique and beautiful in it's own right.
On the 1st of every month we will explore a new mindfulness practice, letting our industry members bring us deeper into the intention behind the activity.
Let's focus on each specific mindfulness practice for the month ahead and see what comes up for us in each.
Allow each practice the time to discover more about ourselves and eventually have several practices to pull upon that best suits our needs at any given time.
Learn . Listen . Connect
The most recent wellness modality taken as a trend hostage.
While we understand the hype (Of course we do = we love it, we practice it, we preach it!) what we don't understand is the lack of information accompanied with it.
Do you now WHAT type of breathwork you are doing? In our discussions with consumers its all:
"OMG - have you tried breathwork?!?"
And we're like "Yeah for sure, what kind?"
And they're like "cricket, head scratch...???"
Insert The Holistic Beauty Experience here please.
Each month we will introduce you to a different style of breathwork- explaining the benefits, the contraindications (some breath patterns can exasperate health conditions) and outlining when it is best practiced. And then of course, guiding you through a beautiful practice.
Learn . Participate . Heal
Living a Holistic Lifestyle and access to holistic modalities is not a luxury that all people have.
Herbalism . Nutrition . Ayurveda. Veganism .TCM. Chakras . Coaching . Crystals . Holistic Skin Care . Reflexology .Reiki . Acupuncture Coaching . Naturopath . EFT . Bio Energy
It. Costs. Money...
to try out different modalities and various experts to see who is the right fit for our needs. That, AND we don't know where to start or which modality to choose!
THIS is the beauty of HBE. Every month we have an expert introduce a different modality; to give you direct, accurate information and allow you to experience it. Giving you the power to either take the modality into our own hands at home or helping you best decide what to move forward with.
Some examples:
- Setting boundaries
- Awakening the Erotic Self
- Chakra Healing Session
- Communication Styles
- Emotional Resiliency
- How to prepare a concoction for healthy hair, gut, sleep, stress, etc there is so much we are excited to share with you!
Learn . Experience . Embrace
1// We want to create a new kind of beauty industry;
One that redefines the traditional narrative by celebrating our WHOLE beauty rather than focus on the physical.
2// To make holistic wellness modalities more accessible;
creating an inclusive community that empowers a stronger sense of self + understanding of others.
Our mission is to redefine the industry narrative and create a new beauty standard - one rooted in nourishing your entire self and celebrating your unique individual beauty. Because we believe that beauty is much more than skin deep.
Through our virtual membership model, we’re proud to bring holistic wellness to the masses through a variety of educational workshops, ritual practices and DIY tutorials from industry experts across the globe. Our mission is to offer intimate and interactive holistic beauty experiences for individuals who want to achieve their desired transformation in their connection with themselves, others and their environment.
We’re passionate about providing our members with a deeper insight into each holistic modality that we teach, so they can understand the history and WHY behind each practice and the positive benefits for their mind/body/spirit at a more expansive perspective.
Self-awareness. Self-appreciation. Mutual respect for all. This is what The Holistic Beauty Experience is all about. We believe that creating change at an individual level cultivates positive change at a global level - and that’s what we aim to inspire and encourage through what we do.
In addition to your curated monthly experience (the yummy 4 modules listed above!)...
We connect you directly with industry experts.
A place for you to ask your questions where you may not have otherwise been able to without the full consultation fee.
Have a question about supplements or cleanses? Ask our featured Nutritionist on their live Q+ A!
How about if the monthly mindfulness module brought something up for you? Ask our featured psychologist or mindfulness expert when their live Q & A comes up.
The point is, as things occur for you, make note as we will be doing Live Q + A's with our experts periodically to offer additional support.
There is SO much conflicting information out there.
Let's get the experts to share the limelight to discuss, debate and offer insight on various topics important to us.
Your voice is super valued here - make suggestions for the topics of your choice.
Anything from misrepresentation in the beauty industry, to open cross cultural conversations to get a well rounded scope on issues. Or honing in on a niche such as food addictions or what the hell is energy work and is it actually effective?
Holistic beauty chats, participating in challenges and cheering each other on, a safe space to express your adversity and have real talk. HBE not only wants you to be real, but to share your reality and be there alongside you to have the hard conversations.
The community is also where you would come to ask questions that may have come up during your monthly experiences. Perhaps the next scheduled Q + A or Panel may not be for a few weeks or may not pertain to your issue. Here in our community discussion other members may be able to offer help in the meantime.